SUMMER              SUMMER     SUMMER!!

Ladies, summer is knocking and it would be a terrible thing to not have some of these great items in your wardrobe. Well, they say beauty starts from within, but for now, let us just look at dressing up that gorgeous body of yours, we will deal with health and make up later on....Here are some pics to give u an idea.

So, yeh just by looking at the pics you will notice: 1. A white t-shirt/shirt 2. white takkies 3.a maxi dress 4.a fedora hat 5. a nice pair of sunnies 6. summer bag 7. Denim shorts (loooove those) 8. Blue/white jeans 9. pair of sandals 10. a pair of nude heels 11. a scarf 12. Denim shirt and last but not least a denim jacket/ blazer.....
With these in your wardrobe, trust me, your summer is sorted, ofcourse these will be paired with some of the pieces you already have, onemore thing, bring out you accessories, now is the time!!!!



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